14 December 2007


Here's the honest version: I am starting this blog as much for me as anyone. You should know that I am about 11 months into a food related transformation. The beginning of this transformation could really be called enlightenment, since, for the first time, I took a good hard look at what I was putting in the ole' gas tank....and it wasn't pretty.

As a result, I made a complete 180 on all matters dietary. Calories in went down, and quality in went way up. Yes, my weight went down substantially, but probably the greatest lesson I learned was how to eat properly. I discovered freshness, flavor, and variety. Ironically, I thought I had understood these concepts previously, but quite obviously I did not.

I have always enjoyed cooking, but it has become an even greater adventure with my new culinary paradigm. If you like, I invite you to come along and experience the recipes and other food related ramblings contained within.



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