02 January 2008

Buon Natale II

So we spent the weekend in Beavercreek with my wife's family and had a very nice 2nd Christmas celebration. I brought my new knife in my new knife bag, and wore my fantastic La Cucina Viola apron to do the cooking. One of the funny stories involved free shrimp and an over-excited blogger.

The day's culinary treats were:

- Celery slices
- Cheese ball
- Crackers
- White bean, garlic, basil, and lemon juice dip
- Maryland style steamed shrimp (beer, white veingar, Old Bay seasoning, shrimp)
- Cocktail sauce (normally a faux-pas with this style of steamed shrimp)
- Mixed nuts

- Roast beef cooked in those cool oven bags, with carrots and onions
- Green beans, blanched, then sauteed for 5 mins in ITALIAN extra virgin olive oil and garlic
- Biscuits
- Candied yams
- Mashed potaotes (very good stuff - courtesy of my brother-in-law)

- Peach pie
- Pumpkin pie
- Pecan pie
- Cucina Viola Panforte
- Cucina Viola Biscotti

I made cocktail sauce for the shrimp using Red Gold ketchup, which in my view is the absolute pinncale of ketchupy goodness, and is aptly named. It's the Red Gold standard. I also bought some horseradish to add to the Red Gold ketchup. It was potent, to say the least. SMOOTH!

I also placed horseradish on the table to serve with the roast beef, which in my opinion makes a fantastic pairing. I know - it's nothing new, but it's good good good.

A nice time was had by all, and my wife really helped to pull this all together at just the right time. I really like how we are able to share in what seems like a new holiday tradition with her family - she and I making the food.


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